Author: max

Health Insurance in Retirement

“What are my options for healthcare in retirement?” This is a question many people have. Around 70% of older Americans retire before they are eligible for Medicare, for various reasons. While early retirement has many benefits, there are also some costs. Healthcare is one of the biggest retirement expenses. The majority of employers don’t offer…
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Best States for Military Veterans

You served this great nation for years, maybe decades, and now you’ve transitioned back to civilian life. First, we’d like to say congratulations, and thank you for your service! We know you and your family made a lot of sacrifices, and we appreciate everything you did to help keep our nation safe. One of the…
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Generating Income in Retirement

How can you generate income in retirement? Now that you’re no longer receiving a paycheck, you may be concerned with how to replace your salary and cover your expenses. You probably already have some income sources. Social Security is a major source of income for many retirees. For half of retirees it comprises 50% of…
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Life Insurance After Retirement

Is it necessary to keep life insurance for retirees? If you’re retired or soon to be, you may be thinking whether to keep that life insurance policy you’ve had all these years, or to take out a new one. Should you keep life insurance in retirement? We offer some information to help you decide. If…
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Part-Time Employment

What are the best part time jobs for retirees? Retirement is a time to shift gears and chart a new course for your life. For some, this means pursuing hobbies and interests they had to put on hold for a while. For others, it means going back to school to finally get that degree they…
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